Interesting Composting Facts
Chicken Manure is a great alternative for fertilizers. Chicken manure is not only a great fertilizer for gardens, but it is also a great activator for compost. Activators help to get the process started and help speed it up.
Compost actually cleans contaminated soil. Composting absorbs odors and treats both volatile and semi volatile organic compounds. It also helps stop heavy metals from entering waterways or being absorbed into plants by binding them.
Things not to compost: Things that should not be put in the compost are meat, bones, fatty food wastes, anything that has been chemically treated, diseased plants, weeds that could potentially spread and contaminate to the area where the compost is used, and human and pet feces.
Financial advantages of composting: Composting is most known advantage is saving money. It saves money because it reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers or any other type of chemical.
Compost decomposes faster in warm temperature rather than cold temperature. Winter winds and low humidity can take the moisture out of the compost. The microbes need moisture to survive. During warm weather, you can leave the compost out so it can get damp in the sun, but not soaking. Therefore warm weather allows compost to decompose easier when it’s damp and has a lot of moisture.
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